Friday, March 06, 2009

Emptying Out & Filling Up

This morning in my devotional reading on the cost of discipleship, I encountered this quote from The Cup of Our Life by Joyce Rupp that connected for me with Ken's image. I now share it with you for your pondering...

"A cup is a container for holding something. Whatever it holds has to eventually be emptied out so that something more can be put into it. I have learned that I cannot always expect my life to be full. There has to be some emptying, some pouring out, if I am to make room for the new. The spiritual journey is like that -- a constant process of emptying and filling, of giving and recieving, of accepting and letting go."

During Lent, I wonder what might need to be emptied and what might need to be recieved to make room for the new? When I encounter Ken's image I am reminded of the life Christ poured out for me that in turn, enables me to be filled with love for others who are by the world's standards, unlovable. I am moved towards putting my love into action, which is not always easy or convenient. Today, I am heading to the Hermitage to serve communion to some of our elderly members and I will keep this image and Rupp's comments in my heart as I offer Christ's body and blood. I trust that I will receive much from this community as I learn to let go and share God's love through faith in action. Who else might God be calling us to "make room for" in our lives as we seek to live faithfully inthe world?


  1. Congratulations on the blog site; may it be filled always with the Holy Spirit. I remain (largly) ambivelent to contemporary worship, but am steadfast in my support of you, Marnie and the art studio. I have my Lenten program on my fridge and it has shaped my first week during this holy time.

  2. Love the new blog! Unfortunately I work most Saturdays (they keep holding all these silly sporting events on that day of the week for some reason), but it has been such a blessing to get the past couple of third Saturdays off. The picture-selecting session for the anniversary celebration was tremendous. With FR going to every week, my odds are a little better to join you!
