Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Forget About Counting Sheep

There isn't time. Listen. Listen to what Jesus said. Now paint with black ink on a blank white sheet of paper. Let your mind go and paint. It's in there somewhere and it will come to mind. It will show your personality, experience, environment, and faith. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7.


  1. Tom, I love what you've said about your process! It really gets to the heart of working in that intuitive way in Ken's workshop, and it also describes my experience of the creative process at its best. (I'll leave off discussing the creative process at its worst for another time!)

  2. What's the deal with the one little sheep at the bottom going his own way? Is he lost and Jesus is looking for him or her? Or, merely a sheep who just likes to rebel? Or maybe he's deaf or blind or has some other handicap and is just turned around bit form the others? Or could it be that he is the one sheep who hears the voice of God and is headed towards the narrow gate?

  3. ok, so this is how not visual I am. I did not see that lone little sheep facing the other way. Interestingly, that sheep would usually be me, walking a different direction from people. A therapist once described me as a "shorn sheep in a wooly sheep world." I like your take on it, Abi. How weird that I did not see it, though I looked at it a lot.
