Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Last Word

"It is finished." These are the last of seven words or phrases spoken by Christ from the stark, wooden cross on Good Friday so long ago. The work of redemption completed once and for all with the ultimate cost of his life paid in full. One by one, the crowd thinned. Ultimately, all that remained were the Roman guards and the women at a distance. The one who would save the world -- no, the one who saves even me -- was abandoned and alone. It grieves me to even write these words, and yet, we are called to remember. We must remember. We must go to the darkest of places where we find the center of our faith --to the very cross of Good Friday so that we may find our way to the hope of Easter morning. Without the cross, there is no resurrection. As we draw closer to worship this Good Friday, I wonder what beliefs, habits, or circumstances in your life need to be pierced by the words Christ speaks from the cross? Can you hear him whisper, "It is finished." as he closes his eyes for the last time and the weight of his head sinks into his chest?